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TLC to Offer Special, Shorter Language Classes for Summer at 15% Discount

If you want to jump start your language learning this summer and fit two terms into one season, or if vacations and other summer plans are making it hard for you to commit to a 9-week language class, we have a solution for you – our shorter, Summer Intensive Language Courses! As an added bonus, these classes will be discounted 15% off our regular prices. Get the same content and quality learning by meeting more often for a shorter number of weeks.

We are offering four Summer Intensive Language Courses, including three beginner courses in American Sign Language, French, and Japanese for Youth (ages 11-15) as well as an intermediate Spanish course. If you take one beginner Summer Intensive Language, you’ll be able to jump into a second-level class for the normal Summer Term, and the intermediate Spanish course will give students an opportunity to participate in structured conversations around a book the class will read together.

Here are the details for each course:

American Sign Language (ASL) Survivor 1 (Online)

June 20 – 30
Meets Mon. through Thurs. each week, 6-8:15 p.m. (CDT)
Discounted price: $275



French Survivor 1 (Online)

June 20-30
Meets Mon. through Thurs. each week, 6-8:15 p.m. (CDT)
Discounted price: $275



Spanish – Level Up Lecturas (Online)

June 21-July 1
Meets Tues. through Fri. 1st week and Mon. through Fri. 2nd week, 7-8 p.m. (CDT)
Discounted price: $160



Japanese for Youth Survivor 1 (In-Person)

June 2-30
Meets Tues. & Thurs. each week, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. (CDT)
Discounted price: $245


We hope you will join us!

TLC is also offering our regular Summer Term of classes, which begin the week of July 11, 2022. You can take one of these intensives to jump start your learning – and register for the second level class for the regular term. Registration for these classes will open on June 6, 2022.


Spring 2022 TESL Students Graduate

TLC held graduation for its Spring 2022 Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) students on Saturday, May 14. Five students completed the certification preparation course, and one has begun teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for TLC.