
TLC Designated Official Testing Site for The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test

TLC has been approved as a designated testing site for the 日本漢字能力検定,  Nihon Kanji Nōryoku Kentei; The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test, also known as Kanji Kentei, or Kanken for short. TLC is only one of four approved locations in the U.S. The Kanken is one of the most highly respected student certifications recognized in Japan and is a project sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The Kanken evaluates a student’s ability to read, write, and understand Kanji, a system of Japanese writing using Chinese characters. The test is administered by the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation and will be proctored by TLC Japanese instructors.

Vertical strips of Japanese calligraphy being hung on whiteboard by a teacher

Japanese Students Celebrate Kakizome

TLC hosted a free Kakizome recently for current and new Japanese students. Kakizome is a traditional Japanese New Year’s event where people write their hopes and wishes for the new year in Japanese script with a calligraphy brush. Each student was then invited to share their wishes for the New Year – in English or Japanese – with the rest of the group. In addition to Japanese classes from beginning to advanced, TLC also offers Japanese calligraphy classes for those with an interest.Guy standing with strip of calligraphy in front of a board covered in Japanese calligraphy

Girl standing with strip of calligraphy in front of a board covered in Japanese calligraphy

Girl standing with strip of calligraphy in front of a board covered in Japanese calligraphy

Several people working on calligraphy while sitting at a table while the instructor looks over their shoulders

TLC Attends Japanese Moon Viewing Event

Cheekwood Botanical Gardens in partnerships with the Japanese Consulate General in Nashville, hosted a day of Japanese cultural activities and a moon viewing on Sept. 19. TLC Japanese Teachers Naoko Takeda and Tomi Kowamura taught a Japanese calligraphy class, and TLC Executive Director Janice Rodriguez and World Languages Coordinator Jack Willey set up and manned an information table throughout the event to promote our Japanese and other World Language classes.