
Man with dark hair and beard wearing a black shirt and holding a microphone while standing in front of a presentation screen

TLC Training Specialist President-Elect for TAPIT

TLC Training Specialist Richard Ponce de Leon has been chosen as President-Elect for the Tennessee Association of Professional Interpreters and Translators (TAPIT). TAPIT members are professional interpreters and translators of written, spoken, and signed languages across the state. TAPIT advocates for interpreters and translators, fosters ethical and professional standards, conducts training and workshops, and promotes communication and discussion about relevant topics.

A photo from the back of the room featuring people sitting at table desks looking at a presentation screen

Maya Language Pilot a Success

TLC Training Specialist Richard Ponce de Leon and Director of Vanderbilt Interpreter Services Hope Collins recently presented to the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Office of Health Equity. The presentation, Expanding Mayan Indigenous Language Resources for Vanderbilt Health, provided a brief description of the two 10-hour interpreter training courses we offered to speakers of indigenous languages in 2024.
The training was supported by Vanderbilt’s Health Equity Innovation Awards (HEIA). HEIA support projects that help improve healthcare for underserved communities.

TLC Provides Simultaneous Interpretation for Nashville Mayor’s Speech

TLC partnered with Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell to provide simultaneous interpretation of his first State of Metro speech earlier this month. The speech was available in Spanish and Arabic through TLC as well as ASL. This was the first time that a Nashville Mayor has provided spoken interpretation for a speech.

In addition to providing the simultaneous, live interpretation of Mayor O’Connell’s State of Metro speech in Spanish and Arabic, TLC also did the voiceover for the recording of the speech.

TLC Attends AAITE National Conference

TLC Interpretation Project Manager Genna Linton recently attended the national conference for the American Association of Interpreters and Translators in Education (AAITE). TLC does a lot of interpretation appointments for schools for parent-teacher conferences, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings, and more.

TLC Provides Interpreters for National Conference

TLC recently provided two simultaneous Spanish interpreters for employees of IMCA, a Dominican Republic-owned construction company. The employees – along with the Minister of Public Works – were attending the World of Asphalt Show & Conference at the Music City Center.

Four women standing in distillery lobby

TLC Provides Portuguese Interpreters for Company Celebration

Portobello America, a Brazilian-owned porcelain and ceramic tiles company, celebrated the grand opening of its U.S. headquarters and first production facility in Baxter, TN. TLC provided Portuguese interpreters for the leaders, managers, and stakeholders from Brazil for the several-day celebration. We provided interpreters for Nashville trolley tours on Friday, the grand opening celebration and event in Baxter on Saturday, and a tour of the Jack Daniels distillery on Sunday.

male with dark hair, goatee, and glasses and woman with long brown hair standing in front of a wall

TLC Presents at Inaugural AAITE Conference

TLC’s Training Specialist Richard Ponce de Leon and Project Manager Genna Linton recently presented at the inaugural AAITE Edu-Con in Denver. AAITE is the American Association of Interpreters and Translators in Education, a non-profit professional association for interpreters and translators who work in educational settings, along with interested stakeholders and other allies.

They presented “Filling the Gaps: A Case Study in Educational Interpreter Training” based on the 4-session training that TLC conducted for interpreters employed by Metro Nashville Public Schools last year.

Woman standing in front of a presentation screen in a classroom

TLC Presents Spanish for Medical Professionals

TLC’s Genna Linton presented a 4-hour long training to 30 nurses at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The course, “Spanish for Medical Professionals: A Linguistic and Cultural Toolkit,” was focused on words, phrases, and cultural norms to help non-Spanish speaking nurses better relate to non-English speaking patients. This will potentially impact hundreds of patients working with these nurses. Just being able to ask if they are in pain or if they need water in the language the patient understands will improve the quality of care they are receiving.

Construction worker laying on ground after falling

TLC Offers Fall Terminology Webinar for Interpreters

TLC offered an online webinar in April for Spanish interpreters on the terminology for falls, particularly in regard to Workers’ Compensation cases. The work involves specialized knowledge of both medical and legal terminology. Spanish Interpreters from Tennessee, Louisiana, and New Mexico completed the webinar and are now better able to handle appointments for Workers’ Compensation cases after completing the course, and the clients they are interpreting for are better represented.

Navy square with landscapes of Tennessee used to color in the letters spelling out Tennessee

TLC Featured in Recent Podcast

The Tennessee Language Center was featured in the most recent In Touch With Tennessee podcast. The podcast is produced by the University of Tennessee’s Institute for Public Service. This one features TLC’s Interim Director of Interpretation and Translation Services (ITS) talking about our language services. It’s about 12 minutes long – check it out!