ESL to Go

A white woman with dark curly hair and a black man sit together on a brown couch looking at a tablet on the woman's lap.TLC’s ESL to Go program is an extension of the English as a Second Language classes, but specifically for refugees, approved asylees, and SIVs (special immigrant visa holders) who have been in the U.S. for less than 5 years. The program is grant-funded, so the classes are free for the students.

One of the top barriers that refugees face in attending ESL classes is often lack of transportation. So, the ESL to Go program initially took a mobile classroom, modeled after a bookmobile, into the apartment complexes where refugees live, eliminating the need for transportation to and from class. Now, the classes are also offered both on location and online to help meet the students’ needs.

ESL to Go continues to be successful because of our commitment to community collaboration. We work closely with local resettlement agencies to collectively make English classes more accessible to their clients. Along with our use of the mobile classroom, we also partner with local churches, refugee leaders, community organizations, and apartment complexes that provide classroom space close to where refugees live.  ESL to Go also works with funders including the Tennessee Office for Refugees, Dollar General Literacy Foundation, and the Memorial Foundation to continue to provide high-quality English classes to the refugees in our community.

Want to know if you or someone you know qualifies for free ESL classes with ESL to Go?
Contact or call 615-741-7579.

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